
RISC and CISC differences - Easy, Short




AspectRISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
DefinitionRISC uses a small, optimized set of simple instructions executed in one clock cycle.CISC employs a diverse set of complex instructions, capable of multiple operations in one instruction.
Instruction ComplexityRISC has simpler instructions, each performing a single operation like loading, storing, or arithmetic.CISC instructions can be complex, requiring multiple clock cycles to execute and supporting a variety of addressing modes and data types.
Registers & AddressingRISC processors have more general-purpose registers and straightforward addressing modes, minimizing interactions with memory.CISC processors have fewer registers and rely more on memory for operations, sometimes leading to memory-intensive instructions.
  • Simplicity: Easier to decode and faster execution. 
  • Lower Power Consumption: Ideal for portable devices.
  • Simple Hardware Design: Cheaper and easier to manufacture.
  • Reduced Code Size: Fewer instructions needed, saving memory space. 
  • More Memory Efficient: Fewer instructions for complex tasks reduce memory usage.
  • More Software Compatibility: Larger user base and extensive software support.
  • More Instructions Required for Complex Tasks. 
  • Less Memory Efficient Due to Additional Instructions. 
  • Limited Software Compatibility.
  • Slower Execution Due to Complex Instructions.
  • Higher Power Consumption, less suitable for portability. 
  • More Complex Hardware Design and implementation.
ExamplesSUN's SPARC, PowerPC, Microchip PIC, RISC-V.Intel's x86, Motorola 68000, Zilog Z80.
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